Heavenly house, heavenly stage, heavenly place: Renewed worship spaces for liturgical renewal


  • Luiz Carlos Teixeira Coelho Filho




This article intends to propose a certain set of principles behind the idea of sacred space. In that regard, two important analogies are addressed: worship space as a heavenly house and worship space as a heavenly stage. It provides a brief overlook on the history of worship spaces and seeks to reclaim the idea of liturgical space as holy stage, where all people are liberated to let go of pre-assigned roles they are given by society and embody the roles they were created to fulfill. Finally, the article examines some common liturgical movement approaches to worship spaces, and suggests a set of practical questions which should guide faith communities when renewing their sacred spaces for mission and God’s witness.

Author Biography

Luiz Carlos Teixeira Coelho Filho

[1]Luiz Coelho is an Anglican Priest, canonically resident in the Diocese of Rio de Janeiro of the Igreja Episcopal Anglicana do Brasil. After pursuing a career in the fields of Engineering and a PhD in Urban and Regional Planning, he pursued theological studies at Seminário Teológico Egmont Machado Krischke and is currently a Doctoral student at the School of Theology of Sewanee, the University of the South. Contact: coelhlc0@sewanee.edu


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