A segunda visão de Hildegarda de Bingen: uma interpretação a partir do texto bíblico. A visão do Liber divinorum operum


  • Cleverton Duarte Epormucena Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná




Abstract   Hildegarde of Bingen was born in Germany to a noble family. She was labeled as a woman with psychological disorders, but she was always a very exemplary daughter with a tendency towards spirituality. At a very young age, she decided on religious consecration and offered herself to God, becoming a theologian and mystical philosopher. In this article, we will deal with one of her visions, which the mystic always represented through her paintings on canvas. The vision that will be studied is the "Liber divinorum operum", or "The Book of Divine Works". The aim of this article is to analyze this "Canvas-Vision" in parallel with the biblical text, because it seems that his revelations are very similar to what is reported in the Christian sacred writings. It is hoped that this essay will awaken in each reader the importance of the arts and iconography in spiritual representations of the Mystery.   Keywords: Hildegarde of Bingen, Mystery, Divine, Vision, Human.  

Author Biography

Cleverton Duarte Epormucena, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná

Bacharel em Teologiapela FEPAR- Fculdade Evangélica do Paraná- Mestrando em Teologia pela PUCR-Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná.




