Horizontes epistêmicos da educação antirracista: uma ressignificação ontológica do fazer, do ser e do pensar. Perspectivas anticolonialistas





Ancient civilizations have their own cosmogonies, and many of them also have their eschatologies. In this study, I highlight colonialism as a driving force behind the Judeo-Christian eschatological narrative – also instrumentalized as a power of domination in various aspects (racial, gender, sexual, class, cultural), especially epistemic. In addition to these structuring factors, Western thought modernized with different contents and a new sovereign administrative management of marginal territories (inspiring cosmopolitanism and imperialism, especially American). Leading the Western eschatological narrative, the Anthropocene gathers different foundations of colonialism, the result of which advocates for a hegemonic and homogenous cultural way of inhabiting and dis-inhabiting the world, effectively generating a profusion of asymmetries. Nearly deterritorialized, the geography of contemporary borders seems to announce, as an immanent ontology, not the territorial borders of the Earth but who can live and who must die.

Author Biography

Adeir Ferreira Alves, UnB; SEEDF

Doutor em Metafísica (UnB, 2024), mestre em Direitos Humanos e Cidadania (UnB, 2019), especialista em Filosofia e Existência (UCB, 2014), bacharel e licenciado em Filosofia (Inst. Sto. Tomás de Aquino, 2006), membro do GEPPHERG/FE-UnB e NEAB-UnB, professor de Filosofia da Secretaria de Educação do Distrito Federal.





Dossiê: Religião, fundamentalismo e política no Brasil contemporâneo