O rock e a espiritualidade não religiosa na socialização dos/das roqueiros/as sem religião





In this article we will present a fragment of our doctoral thesis, through field research with the interviewees' reports. For this, we asked if and how rock could generate a type of non-religious spirituality in the socialization of non-religious rockers in urban headbanger circles in Belo Horizonte. Our hypothesis tried to identify if there was some kind of non-religious spirituality in the sociability and solidarity of these non-religious rockers. The methodology in this part of the research occurred in a mixed way with field research and bibliographical research, having as main theoretician the French sociologist Michel Maffesoli. Although, for most of these research participants, this non-religious spirituality occurs with socialization and solidarity, through rock, heavy metal and their subgenres. It is not unanimous, due to the rejection that this group demonstrates in relation to religious circles and institutions, as well as any religious or spiritual manifestation.

Author Biography

Flávio Lages Rodrigues, PUC Minas/CAPES

Doutor (2023) e Mestre (2018) em Ciências da Religião pela PUC Minas PPGCR, bolsista pela CAPES e membro do Grupo de Pesquisa Religião e Cultura/CNPq desde 2015. Bacharel em Teologia (2005) e especialista em Teologia Sistemática (2007) pela Faculdade Evangélica de Teologia de Belo Horizonte-FATE-BH.





Dossiê: Religião, espiritualidade e qualidade de vida