Suicídio e adolescência: revitalizando a escola e a religião com espaços de convivência e enfrentamento


  • David Mesquiati de Oliveira Faculdade Unida de Vitória (UNIDA)
  • Marinilda Magave Monteiro



Suicide is one of the main causes of death in the world and is present in all age groups, and young people are very vulnerable to the behavior of autocide. In the 21st century, self-extermination has already reached the fateful statistic of being the third leading cause of death in adolescence. This article questions, from the Sciences of Religions and from a multidisciplinary perspective, what would be the role of “school” and “religion” spaces as places of coexistence and social integration, in addition to being a space for coping with suicide. The text takes up classical approaches, such as Durkheim's, and incorporates data from international organizations, in addition to national research. The article is divided into two sections. The first discusses what suicide is and its effects on society; in the second, it reflects on school and religion as spaces for coping with suicide.

Author Biographies

David Mesquiati de Oliveira, Faculdade Unida de Vitória (UNIDA)

Doutor em teologia (PUC-Rio), mestre em teologia (Faculdades EST), Bacharel em teologia (EST), em economia (UFES) e licenciado em História (Fael). Pós-doutorado em Teologia pela PUC-RIo e pela Princeton Theological Seminary (PTS-USA).

Marinilda Magave Monteiro

Mestre em Ciências das Religiões pelo PPGCR-UNIDA e professora de Ensino Religioso no Estado do Amapá.




