A mulher e sua importância para a igreja primitiva


  • Carolina Teles Lemos PUC Goiás
  • Ruan Fillipe da Silva Gomes




Women did not always occupy a secondary place, the women of the Patriarchs of the Old Testament were the Matriarchs and respected in the same way, they were heard and admired as described by Kochmann (2005). In antiquity, women also occupied a leading role and men occupied a secondary position, according to Silva and Londero (2017). But it is in a context of social oppression and restrictions on religiosity that Palestinian women find themselves, the androcentric world and patriarchy as part of a system of Roman domination and exploitation that women in the New Testament are on the margins of society (SOUZA, 2014). However, when Jesus appears and leads a renewal movement, the woman leaves her anonymity and as described at the end of the Gospel of Mark and according to the history of the Church, she also starts to compose the leadership body of the Church. This work aims to reflect on the importance of women in primitive Christianity.




