O uso da literatura paulina nas Confissões de Agostinho
Widely known is the path taken by Augustine in philosophy and, after his conversion, in theology, as a thinker and writer, leaving his mark on Western thought. In his Confessions he recounts, in the manner of a confessing autobiography, his personal experience and his arduous path towards the encounter with Being and truth. Certainly, the encounter with being was by intuition and the discovery of Being in history as Salvation took place through the encounter with Christian Scripture. The citations that Augustine makes of Pauline literature in the Confessions show how much the apostle to the Gentiles marked the life of the Hipponese, not only as a possibility of interpreting the self dissipated in exteriority in the search for truth, but also revealing to him great truths of the Christian tradition. This work seeks to make a list of Pauline quotations in the work of the Confessions to understand the impact of Paul on the life and thought of Augustine.Downloads
A Atualidade de Agostinho de Hipona: Questões contemorâneas à luz de um pensador antigo
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