A Prophetic Radical Reform of the Church: The Last Word of Bartolomé de las Casas


  • Luis N. Rivera-Pagán Princeton Theological Seminary - Princeton New Jersey.




In 1566, after several decades of intense and exhausting endeavors to influence and shape the policy of the Spanish state and church regarding the Americas, years of drafting countless historical texts, theological treatises, colonization projects, prophetic homilies, juridical complaints, political utopias, and apocalyptic visions, Bartolomé de Las Casas knows very well that the end is at hand: the end of his life and the end of his illusions of crafting a just and Christian empire in the New World. It is a moment of searching for the precise closure, the right culmination of a human existence that since 1502 had been intimately linked, as no other person of his time, to the drama of the conquest and Christianization of Latin America, a continent, as has been so aptly asserted, “born in blood and fire. 

Biografia do Autor

Luis N. Rivera-Pagán, Princeton Theological Seminary - Princeton New Jersey.

Professor do Evangelical Seminary of Puerto Rico (San Juan, Puerto Rico) e do Princeton Theological Seminary (Princeton, New Jersey, EUA).


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Dossiê: Tradições Protestantes: América Latina e Pluralismo Religioso